Well, after much struggle and internal angst, I have finally finished the book. I can tell you that seeing your book come back from editing the first time is an experience that makes you want to laugh and cry. It’s really like seeing someone who commented on just how ugly your baby is. Yet, inside you know that if you just take the advice, put on your baby some nice clothes and a fresh nappy, everyone will just swoon over it. Not sure how much swooning will go on here, but certainly the book is a MUCH better read after my editor, Jenn Moffatt, got done with it. A second pass to review the changes and a few more tweaks and now the book stands ready to pounce… Once it gets its cover.
In the end, I did decide on the fourth cover. That is the one with the Giants standing around Zaaz. Jim is working on the final version and I’m very excited to see it. Once received, the book will go up for presale and out to editors, hopefully to be published in October. So, very excited here!