Yesterday, I received the final version of the artwork from Jim and boy does it look wonderful. With it I was able to finalize the print version of the book as well on Amazon, and thus began the problems. 🙂 I admit it, I’m new to publishing and certainly not yet an expert on the […]
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Hi all. Just received in the first cover proof as you can see below and I think it looks fantastic. Some very minor changes yet to be done, but Jim did a great job. With luck I should have the final by the end of the week and then we’ll go into pre-sale this weekend […]
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Well, after much struggle and internal angst, I have finally finished the book. I can tell you that seeing your book come back from editing the first time is an experience that makes you want to laugh and cry. It’s really like seeing someone who commented on just how ugly your baby is. Yet, inside […]
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